Can you use cloth menstrual pads for bladder leakage?
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Pregnancy, weight gain and weakened bladder control from previous births can all contribute to bladder leakage. We’ve all been there. Most of us, even after the birth of only one child, discover the hard way when we decide to jump on a trampoline for the first time or are asked to complete a jumping jack, that our bodies just aren’t the same.
Leaks happen and cloth pads are a great solution!
Often bladder leakage and incontinence occur at times we can come to expect. We squeeze our muscles when we know we’re going to sneeze in order to prevent it or we wear pads when we’re going to the gym because we know what happens when we run or workout. Other times leakage just happens, regardless of what we’re doing, and in those cases daily protection is needed.
In most instances urinary incontinence is most often due to weakend bladder muscles. Exercises, weight loss and a change in diet can improve symptoms. Until your symptoms improve, and while you require daily protection, cloth pads and cloth pantyliners are a great option.
While cloth pads aren’t necessarily designed or marketed for incontinence, they work perfectly and make total sense for use when you’re experiencing light to moderate bladder leakage. Plus, during these hot and humid summer months I love using mine because I can’t stand having any swass (sweaty ass) going on. Cloth pads come in all shapes and sizes, from light pads to thong shaped pads, they can easily replace chemical-laden disposable products that can create additional issues when used daily.
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Cloth pads are comfortable, affordable, reusable and can easily be washed with your regular laundry, especially if only being used for urinary issues.
The best part, you’ll have a nice little pantyliner stash for use with your menstrual cycle when needed.
I use Pink Lemonade Shop cloth pads and cloth panty liners. They’re made in the USA, in Ohio, by work-at-home moms, they’re durable, affordable come in such cute prints and fabric styles. I used to be all “buy all the cloth diapers!” and now I’m like, “buy all the PLS pads!” Don’t let swass or bladder leakage stop you from enjoying life; it’s not worth it.
Amy Hall · June 13, 2016 at 9:38 pm
NEver thought of this before, it’s a good idea.
Bert @ First Time Mom MN · June 13, 2016 at 11:50 pm
Thanks! It’s one of my favorite things!
Kasey Fishburn · July 15, 2016 at 6:10 am
ive heard that cloth menstrual pads work well and I suppose with then new addition of cloth diapers to my world that these would be worth a try!
Bert @ First Time Mom MN · July 15, 2016 at 2:02 pm
Definitely worth a try!
Bert @ First Time Mom MN · October 3, 2016 at 9:22 pm
Alright Mama!!
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