Stylin’ Even as a Mom: Why I Love JORD Watches
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I’ve partnered with JORD Wood Watches to bring you this fabulous look at their product. All opinions are my own.
It’s difficult for me to remember when the last time was that I made a big purchase or splurged for myself. No, really, I don’t remember when I went out and bought something that wasn’t a necessity like undergarments and deodorant. I’m a mom and the last thing on my shopping list are luxury items. I don’t have babies in my household anymore so I suppose I can start wearing jewelry again and no one is going to spit up on me unless they have the stomach flu so I guess I can stop wearing my college t-shirts. It’s time for a change and I know just the thing to get stuff started. Meet JORD Wood Watches: My new arm candy.
Stylin’ Even as a Mom: Why I Love JORD Watches
I love JORD Wood Watches. My husband had the opportunity to get a JORD watch for Valentine’s Day. I’m not lying, I was envious so of him! When JORD reached out to me and asked if I wanted to check out a JORD watch of my own I jumped at the chance. In case you aren’t familiar with JORD here’s a little bit about them.
JORD is run by artists, designers, marketers, and minders. We spend our days creating, considering, arguing, and hopefully agreeing. Then we’ll scrap it all for the joy of starting new. We have fun. This is our journey. We are focused on creating timepieces that are modeled after a modern lifestyle. We value sustainability, efficiency, and experiential living. We make our watches for people who don’t just have somewhere to be, they have somewhere to go. The value of a watch is not in being able to tell how much time has passed, but in being aware of the need to make that time count. Moments are bigger than minutes and your watch should tell more than time.
I chose the Frankie 35 – Dark Sandalwood and Mint. It’s simple and classic. The mint pops perfectly against the dark sandalwood.
I love anything that’s unique. That shouldn’t be a surprise, I go by “Bert” after all, so adding a unique watch to my wardrobe was something on my fashion bucket list. (Is there such a thing?) Despite what your mother told you about water and that wood table, you can do your daily tasks while wearing your JORD watch. The watch comes with PRESERVE CLEANING OIL, a custom-formulated cleaning oil created specifically for the care of wood watches. 100% natural with no artificial chemicals. While you shouldn’t go cliff diving wearing your wood watch, you can wash dishes. Unless, of course, you’d rather not wash the dishes and need an excuse, then I shall say, “No, no washing dishes with your JORD watch.” It’ll be our secret.