How did Me Before Mom (MBM) come to be?

The concept of MBM came up when I watched my friend go through a divorce. She had been married for 20 years and was a stay-at-home mom for 16 of those 20 years. When her husband asked for a separation she said it felt like it came out of left field. She found herself, alone, having to figure out a career, starting over in her 40’s because she had been a stay-at-home mom since her oldest was born.

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I remember her telling me she felt like she had given so much to her family that she didn’t know who she was anymore. I took what she said to heart and started looking at my friends and family members who had older kids leaving the nest.

It’s a lifestyle.

You’re a chef, nanny, nurse, taxi driver, maid, teacher, cheerleader…oh wait, you’re a mom which means you are everything to everyone. The minute that pregnancy test is positive life as a woman knows it drastically changes, her life’s mission is to sacrifice for her child. What if there’s something more?

That time Harry Connick Jr took over for me for a day…

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You can use these romantic quotes in a love letter, a homemade card or, my personal favorite, on your social media accounts like Instagram.