All Moms Need Sleep: Nite&Day Sleep Coaching Review & A Major Giveaway
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Sleep. It’s one of those things that new parents are completely unaware of until they’re thrust into the trenches of parenthood. Sure, people try to warn you when you’re pregnant to sleep now before the baby comes but it’s always said with this slight tone of sarcasm that you never really believe it until you experience it. I remember when Laura, my little sister, was a first time mom and sleep deprived she was weeping to me on the phone about how she just was so tired and didn’t know what to do. Then she started in on the mom guilt saying, “What’s wrong with me? It’s just sleep?!” I reminded her that sleep deprivation is a form of torture; there’s a reason she feels horrendous because she isn’t sleeping. What if I told you that you could get a little help for your child who isn’t sleeping? You can, right here in the Twin Cities, with Elizabeth Sarles, Certified Gentle Sleep Coach, and owner of Nite&Day Sleep Coaching.
Sarles says,
We believe there’s no wrong way to teach your child to sleep. Many parents ask “Are you a cry-it-out proponent or family bed advocate? Do I have to stop breastfeeding to sleep coach my child?” You don’t have to pick a camp. The only right answer is what works for your family. The fact is, rules that make you feel guilty aren’t good for anyone.
I practice the Gentle Sleep Coach Philosophy advocated by Kim West LCSW-C, The Sleep Lady®. She developed the program after finding many parents didn’t follow through with traditional sleep coaching, worried they would damage their child emotionally. GSC is a gentler approach where you offer physical and verbal reassurance as you teach your child the vital life skill of putting themselves to sleep.
We decided to put Nite&Day Sleep Coaching to the test with one of our readers, Kaylie, and her family. Kaylie went through the program and we’re pretty excited for her and the results she got.
Kaylie’s Experience with “Nite&Day Sleep Coaching”: A Review
When I was offered the chance to work with Elizabeth for sleep coaching, my first thought was “why not?” Nothing could hurt at this point. You see, my 2 year old had literally never slept through the night and often ended up in our bed so he could wake us all up multiple times per night. Something had to change; I will admit though that I was skeptical that this would offer anything we hadn’t already tried!
My email exchange with Elizabeth was pleasant and I looked forward to our first meeting. When we met that first day, I went into the meeting feeling like I might be judged for the way we were doing things or, even worse, be told we couldn’t be helped! We spent over an hour together; discussing my son’s whole life and what our goals were for sleep. Elizabeth was kind, organized, and extremely easy to work with. To my surprise, I left our meeting feeling extremely hopeful that we all might get some good sleep soon, as well as excited to get started!
Elizabeth delivered the documents with our plan right on time and set up a meeting to discuss what this would look like. She went over every detail and both my husband and I felt extremely prepared when our actual “sleep training” started. She not only gave us an individualized plan that gave us step by step instructions, but also gave us a “back-up” plan and tips for common problems we might face.
The first night came and I quickly realized this would be harder than I thought. Our original plan was NOT working- but then I remembered our “back-up” plan! Success. That first night it took a bit longer to get my son to bed but he slept through the night! Elizabeth had scheduled a phone call for the morning after our first night and I SO appreciated that. She not only was able to troubleshoot the issues we were having but she also helped me to keep my eyes on the prize so I wouldn’t give up when it got hard. She continued to be available by phone or text throughout the 2 week process.
My son was sleeping through the night with a very reasonable night time routine by day 2. He even got sick around day 4 and we still were able to see progress. As a true test of our success, we left for a family vacation which included 2 nights in a hotel only 3 weeks after we started sleep training. I was extremely worried that after he was able to sleep with us again for 2 nights in the hotel we would have to start all over. But thanks to Elizabeth’s suggestions and an extremely thorough night time routine, he jumped right back in when we got home with very little regression.
I cannot emphasize enough how grateful we are that we did this. I went from never having any time to myself after the kids were in bed and waking multiple times a night, to having my son go down without a fight and in a reasonable amount of time; this program is priceless. Not to mention he is a MUCH happier kid with a good night’s sleep every night! I feel like we have our life back! I will gladly recommend this to ANYONE that is having any sleep issues with their children.
Nite&Day Sleep Coaching offers three kinds of sleep coaching to parents:
- Expecting parents to four month old infants
- Four and a half month old infants to six month old infants
- Six month old infants to six-years-old
To get in touch with Nite&Day you can visit their website by clicking here.
And because Bamboobies wants for every mother in America to get a good night’s rest they’ve decided to create the perfect New Mom’s Better Sleep Prize Pack! This amazing prize includes:
- A one-hour phone consultation with Elizabeth Sarles, local sleep expert, certified gentle sleep coach and owner of Nite&Day.
- bamboobies Nursing Pads Multi-Pack (3 pairs regular and 1 pair overnight)
- bamboobies’ boob-ease® 100% Organic Nipple Balm
- Mommy’s Bliss Nighttime Gripe Water (one 4 oz. bottle)
- Birds and Bees Calm Nights Tea (one tin)
- Rumparooz Cloth Diapers (one diaper – Clyde or Peacock pattern)
Simply complete the Giveaway Tools form below to enter! Here’s to better sleep!
Brittany · July 15, 2016 at 10:56 pm
Great post! I’m excited to keep following your blog! Sleep routines can be so challenging, Nite and Day consultations would be so beneficial!
Meaghan Flanagan Angle · July 16, 2016 at 12:34 pm
We have finally broken through and are only up once per night. This is such a relief! I am still trying to recover from the past nearly two years of 5-6 hours of sleep per night interrupted 4-5 times.
Katie · November 6, 2016 at 2:06 pm
Good article! It sounds like a good program for those having sleeping issues. Good to know that things like that are out there. Honestly, one of the things I am most worried about with becoming a new mom is the sleep deprivation! Good to know that sleep training works, even if it has to be a plan B or plan C sleep training plan. Find something that works and stick to it! 🙂 I am still worried, haha, but know I needn’t be and like hearing others’ success stories.
Bert @ First Time Mom MN · November 6, 2016 at 10:17 pm
You know, you’d be surprised by how your body does adjust to sleep deprivation and motherhood.
Katie · November 7, 2016 at 8:08 am
Thanks. 🙂
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