10 of the Best Earth Day Activities for Preschoolers
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Earth Day is coming up this week and if you’re semi-crunchy at the least this is a big deal. What is Earth Day? According to The History Channel, “Founded in 1970 as a day of education about environmental issues, Earth Day is now a globally celebrated holiday that is sometimes extended into Earth Week, a full seven days of events focused on green awareness.” So how can you bring a little environmental awareness into your week with your preschooler?
We’ve got a round-up of some of the best activities around the blogosphere to help you celebrate Earth Day!
10 of the Best Earth Day Activities for Preschoolers
Of course another thing you could do with your preschooler is take them to see Disneynature’s BORN IN CHINA which opens everywhere on Earth Day. The documentary is rated G and I’ve heard from a few of my blogger friends that it’s really good. To get more out of the BORN IN CHINA experience use this activity packet before you see the movie.
Whether you choose to observe Earth Day or you just want to squeeze in a little science into your day with your toddler or preschooler, I hope this will inspire some ways to play with your kiddos this week!