We Are Their Windows

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Mothers are Windows

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As a first time mom it’s easy to get dragged down by the daily grind of mothering small children. Sometimes I lose sight of how truly important the job of mothering is. Yet, each day I have the opportunity to help mold another human being.

Mothers Are Windows

Erika Cole Photography

For a very short time I will be the apple of my son’s eye. Even after his focus shifts elsewhere, his little eyes will be ever watchful. I pray we all will use our positions of influence well, knowing that thankfully there is grace when we do not.

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Categories: Parenting


Wife, work at home mom, and bassoonist, Laura Ankrum lives in Iowa City, Iowa. Prior to the arrival of her two children Laura taught elementary music and band in the Boston area. Now her home is her classroom and music studio. Laura is passionate about education, encouraging other moms, and eco-friendly living. She is the social media coordinator at Thirsties Inc.