My Newborn Cloth Diaper Stash
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Gazing lovingly at her newborn baby, a new mom breathes in the sweet moment of peace and quiet as her babe cuddles fast asleep on her chest. Suddenly mom feels a distinct rumble followed by sounds similar to that of a mack truck coming from the little cherub’s nether regions. Time for yet another diaper change! It’s truly astounding how many diapers little humans go through, especially newborns! Indeed cloth diapering your newborn will definitely save your family money. You can also rest assured that your baby does not have chemicals like dioxin or sodium polyacrylate against his or her most sensitive areas.
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The first question new cloth-diapering parents ask is how many diapers will we need. Cloth diapering a newborn is slightly different from diapering an older baby because of their size and how frequently they need to be changed. In this post I’m going to outline for you my ultimate newborn cloth diaper stash.
How Many Diapers?
Newborns can have as many as ten dirty diapers a day. Add in wet diapers and that equals A LOT of diapers. Since newborns have such sensitive skin, diaper changes should immediately follow a wet or dirty diaper. A good rule of thumb is check your baby’s diaper every hour to hour and a half. After considering the frequency of diaper changes, you’ll need to think about how often you plan to do diaper laundry. I recommend rotating your diapers and doing diaper laundry every other day. If you plan to do laundry every other day you’ll need a two day supply of newborn cloth diapers, which for most newborns is enough diapers for 24 diaper changes.
What Type of Cloth Diapers?
I like having a mixed stash of cloth diapers and the same goes for my newborn stash. You may be wondering, why complicate things with different types of cloth diapers? Well friends, there are two reasons: 1. Savings 2. Function. Of course a newborn stash of twenty four all in one’s would be lovely but it’s also expensive!
My newborn cloth diaper stash was all about convenience at night and savings during the day. I stockpiled the super easy newborn AIO’s (preferably with hook & loop closure) or newborn fitteds for night time. During the day, I used prefolds and covers. I preferred prefolds and covers during the day because I if baby only had a wet diaper I could easily remove the wet prefold, wipe the cover, and use it again. My babies tended to be enthusiastic poopers, especially during the day after some tummy time. My bullet-proof combo for even the wildest of runny newborn poo was a jelly roll folded prefold with a Thirsties newborn cover.
[ctt template=”4″ link=”d5FRP” via=”yes” nofollow=”yes”]No blowouts is one of the best benefits of newborn cloth diapers! #realdiapers #schoolofcloth @firsttimemommn[/ctt]
In addition to diapers, you’ll need wet bags or pail liners in which you can store your diapers between washes. I suggest having at least one large hanging wet bag or pail line and one medium wet bag you can use around the house or on the go.
Cloth Diapering on a Budget
Covers and prefolds are an economical approach to cloth diapering because prefolds themselves are less expensive and perform great. Compared to other cloth diaper types, diaper covers are also less expensive. Additionally, you can get multiple uses out of a cover which means you can buy less of them. For even more savings consider using flats or flour sacks inside your newborn diaper covers. If you want to exclusively use diaper covers and prefolds / flats I suggest having 8 covers, 24 prefolds, and three fasteners. Another thing to consider is that with excellent care you should be able to use your newborn cloth diaper stash on multiple babies and / or resell your diapers to recoup some of your investment.
There there you have it, the reasoning behind my ultimate newborn cloth diaper stash! I hope this post helps you along your cloth diapering journey. If you found it helpful, please consider sharing this post with other cloth diapering folks on social media. (#makeclothmainstream #makelaundrynotlandfill !) For more cloth diaper and parenting support check out the Real Diaper Association and join the First Time Mom Hub on Facebook. Congratulations on your new bundle of joy and happy cloth diapering!