Quick Breakfast Ideas for Busy Moms
This blog post was written in partnership with Stonyfield Organic. As part of Stonyfield’s Yogetter blogger program I write posts that feature Stonyfield products as well as Stonyfield’s partners. I was sent product as a way of being able to write this blog post, however, all of the opinions in here are my own. I wouldn’t recommend it if I didn’t like it or agree with the message. This post also contains affiliate links which means when you click on an affiliate link any purchase made will earn a small commission to First Time Mom. We use this money to keep the blog going. We so appreciate your support in this!
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I kind of have a love/hate relationship with breakfast. To be honest, I dread it most days and it’s probably because I spend so much time fixing breakfast for my three kiddos that when it’s finally my turn to get breakfast I’m just too tired to think about what I should eat. When I don’t have a plan I go to my usual not-the-best-choice cereal. It doesn’t fill me up at all and often it makes me crave carbohydrates for the rest of the day. Lately, I’ve been trying to have a few quick breakfast ideas in my back pocket and as the holiday season begins to pick up I figured you’d want some ideas too!
What to look for in a healthy breakfast
To have a filling and healthy breakfast you want to look for meals that are high in fiber and protein. Foods that are high in fiber are whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables. Not only does a diet high in fiber help keep things regular but it also makes you feel full for a longer period of time than foods that are low in dietary fiber. Protein packed foods are great because not only do they give your body the fuel needed to build muscle but they also help stimulate your brain. The reason why many nutritionists suggest foods higher to help promote weight loss is because protein helps slow down the absorption of carbohydrates which means you aren’t experiencing sugar highs and lows.
High fiber foods and foods that are higher in protein does not mean you’re eating whole wheat toast and eggs every single morning. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. These meals do not have to take hours for you to create and many can be prepped ahead of time which saves you time when the baby all of a sudden decides that 8:30am is the best time to have a major diaper blowout.
Quick Breakfast Ideas for the Busy Mom
I have to say that these are my go to breakfasts when I’m in a hurry and you’ll see why; they’re tasty and easy to assemble when you have no time because you forgot to pack your kid’s lunch. Oh wait, I never pack his lunch the night before, who am I kidding?!
Simple Yogurt Parfait: Number one: It just looks pretty; especially when it’s in a Mason Jar. I feel all Pinterest-y when I do anything with a Mason Jar so eating my breakfast from there feels so DIY and trendy. This is what my parfait looks like; obviously I blend it all together before I eat it. It was pretty while it lasted. In my parfait I have Stonyfield Greek Yogurt (FYI Greek yogurt is where it’s at when it comes to a protein packed food, plus it has the good kind of bacteria you want to be living in your gut), Nature’s Best Isopure Dutch Chocolate Protein Powder, Honeyville Organic Peanut Butter Powder, 1 Banana, 2 tablespoons of Nature’s Path Qiá
Smoothies: A great way to get a fast, nutrient packed breakfast into your belly is the smoothie. My kids used to hate the sound of our Ninja Blender, however, I’ve introduced them to the wonder that is the smoothie and they get excited when it’s smoothie time. I’m a big fan of getting in some hidden greens like kale and spinach so I tend to favor rich flavor smoothies over fruity ones. That doesn’t mean I don’t like my share of fruit loving smoothies though. It’s really easy to play around with the ingredients as long as you have a good base. I like to use Greek Yogurt, Almond Milk and/or Coconut Water. Then I add in my Isopure to get that extra hit of protein.
Natural, Whole Grain Cereals/Granolas: A little goes a long, long, way when it comes to whole grains. Yes, read that that’s whole grains not whole wheat. Whole grains means any kind of grain. If you’re trying to avoid wheat like I am then this is the way you want to go. I’ve been adding Nature’s Path Qiá to my Simple Yogurt Parfait but I’ve also been eating it on its own with some almond milk. The chia seeds in the mix are excellent at absorbing liquid and the two tablespoons that’s recommended is more than enough to make you feel full and satisfied. This is especially true if you like having something to crunch in the morning. Simply replace your boxed cereal with this bad boy.
Megan Sanchez · December 22, 2015 at 11:09 am
I love this idea! Morning are so hectic and me eating is the last thing on the list of things that need to get done. Stonyfield is awesome. I once had a friend buy a house because she was some Stonyfield in the fridge while she was looking at it. She said if they had Stonyfield they must be good people!
Bert @ First Time Mom MN · December 22, 2015 at 4:08 pm
That’s great! Stonyfield for the win!
jodi armstrong · December 29, 2015 at 12:26 am
Mmm we love smoothies. The parfait is a fun idea also.
Bert @ First Time Mom MN · January 3, 2016 at 11:05 pm
Thank you! It is considerably easy to make and if you make it the night before it’s easy to just pick it up and go in the morning.
Elishia Cowell · June 14, 2016 at 12:50 pm
I love this idea! breakfast can be so hard, but it makes a huge impact on my energy levels all day
Bert @ First Time Mom MN · June 14, 2016 at 1:35 pm
It definitely does!
Marie Lowther · November 13, 2016 at 2:52 pm
thank you for the breakfast ideas! looks so tasty!
Sandra Watts · May 21, 2017 at 9:25 am
It actually sounds quite good!
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